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Introducing Diagnostic 78™

Diagnostic 78™ is the latest in our suite of tools designed to assist clients in delivering better business outcomes through more effective marketing.

Embedding a culture of marketing effectiveness into your organisation changes the conversation. It means that you will be able to predict with some certainty what impact different investment options will have on business outcomes and gives all decision makers the confidence that you are investing efficiently.

Marketing is now viewed as a growth driver, not as a cost centre.

Diagnostic 78™ is a guided self-assessment used to measure the marketing effectiveness culture and practices in an organisation.

Our research shows that companies with the most established marketing effectiveness practice have strength across 6 pillars which cover both Efficacy, doing the right things, driving longer term business growth, and Efficiency, doing them well, delivering value for money and return in the shorter term.

Diagnostic 78™ will support you in reviewing your practices from an organisation-wide perspective (not just within the marketing department) across the 6 pillars of marketing effectiveness. It measures your confidence in each area and provides an action plan for improved marketing effectiveness practice.

Most companies are on a journey to a culture of marketing effectiveness. Diagnostic 78™ is ideally positioned to support you on this journey.

Diagnostic 78™ will generate a score for your organisation, we call this your PtFx™ score, along with an Efficacy and Efficiency score which will give you a clear indication of where you sit today in the Pt78 Marketing Effectiveness Matrix™.

Organisations will be striving to reach that hallowed HIGH GROUND where they are well positioned for growth. Sitting in this quadrant, you demonstrate evidence-based decision making and strong execution.

You may however find that your score places you in HIGH HOPES. Your decisions are based on proven business outcomes, but stronger execution is needed.

If your score places you in HIGH FIVES, it is likely that you are currently focused on execution and short term returns but your longer term efficacy is unproven.

Possibly you’re not feeling quite so buoyant if you’re currently in HIGH TIDE! Likely you are struggling to prioritise objectives and measure effectiveness and your execution requires more structure and process.

Are you likely to be on HIGH GROUND? Or do you see yourself currently struggling in HIGH TIDE?

If you’d like to find out more and investigate where you might be positioned today, we’d love to chat!

If you’d like to do a quick test to get a feel for the product, why not give our ‘QuickCheck’ a go!