Media Terminology Guide
1+, 2+, 3+… 1+ Coverage = the percentage of people who see/hear it once; 2+ = the percentage of people who see/hear it twice etc.
Ad-Serving Technology fee for digital campaigns. Usually an additional CPM cost.
AdX Advertising Exchange. Technology where digital media is bought and sold.
AQH Average Quarter Hour. Radio research metric - average number of listeners in a quarter hour period, usually expressed in 000’s.
ATL Above The Line. Mass media advertising typically covering all forms of conventional media.
AV Audio Visual (TV and Video)
BTL Below The Line. Direct forms of advertising typically including promotions, sampling etc.
BVOD Broadcast Video on Demand. Video ads on Station players (e.g. RTÉ Player etc.)
Coverage The percentage of people in a target audience (TA) that are exposed to your ad at least a specific number of times (e.g. 1+ coverage, 2+ coverage)
CPA Cost-Per-Action (CPA = spend divided by # of qualifying actions)
CPC Cost-Per-Click
CPE Cost-Per-Engagement (What is this? Use one of the others!)
CPI Cost-Per-Install
CPQ Cost-Per-Quote
CPL Cost-Per-Lead
CPS Cost-Per-Sale
CPV Cost-Per-View
CPCV Cost-Per-Completed- View
Total spend divided by # of qualifying actions. (e.g. CPC = Cost ÷ Clicks)
CPM Cost Per Mille (same as CPT). Cost to reach 1,000 people in your target audience.
(CPM = (Cost ÷ Impressions ) x 1,000)
CPT Cost Per Thousand. Cost to reach 1,000 people in your target audience.
(CPT = (Cost ÷ Impacts) x 1,000)
CTA Call To Action. Typically the instruction to the customer at the end of an ad.
CTR Click Through Rate. (CTR = Impressions ÷ Clicks)
CVE Centre v End. Where an ad appears in a programme e.g. in the centre break or end break.
DMP Data Management Platform. Technology overlay in programmatic buying that allows you to target campaigns based on audience data from anonymised 1st and 3rd party sources.
DR Direct Response. Advertising that is aimed at driving an immediate sale.
DSP Demand Side Platform. Technology interface used by advertisers to automate programmatic ad buying.
eCPM Effective Cost Per Thousand. Cost per thousand based on specific outcome required. Used to compare campaigns using different pricing methods, by converting to a common metric.
Exchange Technology platform where digital media is bought and sold.
Frequency The number of times on average your target audience see/hear your ad (also OTS). (Frequency = TVR/GRP ÷ 1+ cover) OR (Frequency = Impressions ÷ 1+Cover ÷ Universe)
GRP Gross Rating Point. 1% of your target audience = 1 GRP.
HPTO Home Page Take Over.
Impacts Number of people (usually expressed in thousands) who saw the ad. (TV).
Impressions Number of people (usually expressed in thousands) who saw the ad. (Digital).
KPI Key Performance Indicator.
OOH Out-Of-Home. Outdoor advertising formats.
OTS Opportunity To See. The number of times on average your target audience see your ad (also Frequency). (OTS= TVR ÷ 1+ cover) OR (OTS = Impressions ÷ 1+Cover ÷ Universe)
OTH Opportunity to Hear. As OTS.
PIB Position in Break, where an ad appears in an ad break (first, second…last)
PPC Pay-Per-Click. Usually refers to Paid Search, i.e. Google AdWords.
Reach The percentage of people in a target audience (TA) that are exposed to your ad at least once. (Same as 1+Coverage.)
RON Run Of Network (digital ads can appear anywhere on the network of sites)
ROMI Return On Marketing Investment.
ROS Run of Site (digital ads can appear anywhere on the publisher’s site)
RTB Real Time Bidding.
SEM Search Engine Marketing. Investment in tactics to improve your search position. Can include PPC, SEO, website optimisation etc.
SEO Search Engine Optimisation. Process of website and content design to improve organic search position.
SOV Share Of Voice. A brand's percentage of total advertising in category.
SSP Supply Side Platform. Technology interface used by publishers to automate programmatic ad selling
TA Target Audience. Usually defined by demographic.
TTL Through The Line. Integrated ATL and BTL marketing activity, including digital.
TVR Television Rating. 1% of your target audience = 1 TVR.
Universe Number of people in a specific target audience (usually expressed as 100,000s e.g. 2.1m = 21.00).
Viewability Percentage of digital display impressions that are 'viewable'. Defined as 50% of the ad appearing on screen for at least one second.
VOD Video On Demand.
VTR View Through Rate. Percentage of viewers who watch to the end.
Commercial Terms:
EPD Early Payment Discount.
Gross Media cost terminology. Rate card price minus discount.
In Scope Services that are included in the 'scope of work' outlined in your contract and included in your commercial terms.
LTA Long-Term Agreement (also AVB). Commercial arrangement between a media owner and an agency, based on total spend in period.
Net Media cost terminology. Rate card price minus discount, minus agency commission.
Net Net Media cost terminology. Rate card price minus discount, minus agency commission, minus rebates (AVB/LTA/EPD etc.).
OCM Online Campaign Management. Usually a fee for managing digital campaigns.
Out Of Scope Services that are not included in the 'scope of work' outlined in your contract and included in your commercial terms.
Rebate Income earned by advertisers or agencies, based on spend with the media owner (includes AVBs or LTAs).
SLA Service Level Agreement. Contractual commitments to deliver specific services.