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Is your organisation enjoying the view or taking on water?

When we work with clients on their marketing effectiveness, one of the most common questions we get asked is ‘how do we compare with others?’

People want to know if their organisation is better or worse when it comes to marketing effectiveness. If they are leading the charge or falling behind. We see the natural competitive streak of marketers emerging!

So, when we developed Diagnostic 78™ we wanted to include a framework that teams and organisations could use, not just to benchmark themselves against other organisations, but also to assess where they currently sit on that journey to marketing effectiveness and set targets for where they want to get to.

Cue the Pt78 Marketing Effectiveness Matrix™.

When you use Diagnostic 78™, it will generate a score for your organisation - we call this your PtFx™ score. It will also generate an Efficacy and Efficiency score which will give you a clear indication of where you sit today in the Pt78 Marketing Effectiveness Matrix™.

Where do you think your organisation is sitting today?

Have you already reached that hallowed HIGH GROUND where you are well positioned for growth?

Maybe your score places you in HIGH HOPES indicating that while your decisions are based on proven business outcomes, stronger execution is needed.

If your score places you in HIGH FIVES, it is likely that you are currently focused on execution and short term returns but your longer term efficacy is unproven.

Whether you’re HIGH FIVES or struggling in HIGH TIDE, we can help.

Chat to us to find out more about how Diagnostic 78™ works and, more importantly, where you sit in the Pt78 Marketing Effectiveness Matrix™!

If you’d like to do a quick test to get a feel for the product, why not give it a go!

(01) 556 3678